Devil’s Lake Speedway In North Dakota Is For Sale – Beautiful Place, Cool Track, Neat Tractors!

Devil’s Lake Speedway In North Dakota Is For Sale – Beautiful Place, Cool Track, Neat Tractors!

We’ve gotten wind of another awesome little race track for sale. This time it is Devil’s Lake Speedway in North Dakota. This place looks like a gem with killer lighting, nice facilities, and a racing surface that any dirt track runner would want to throw the rear end out on. When guys like Donny Schatz like coming to your track, you have a nice facility.

We like sharing these listings because (1) it is fun to get a look at these tracks that exist by the hundreds across the country and (2) we know that you and others read them because a few of ’em have hit hard enough that the seller’s phones have rung hard enough for them to ask we take the listing down!

Want to make an investment in racing property? This could be your ticket.

Here’s the listing for the dirt track in all of its glory!

Devils Lake Speedway in Crary, North Dakota, is for sale at $800,000.

The 70 acre facility, located along the south side of U.S. Highway 2, features a 1/4 mile dirt oval. The track opened in 2000 and, in 2004, $600,000 was pumped into remodeling the facility. These renovations included a $150,000 state-of-the-art lighting system, a new ticket office, new concession stands and a new 40ft x 80 ft concrete patio.

Throughout its history, the track has held races for Modifieds, Streets, Late Models, Sprints and Pure stocks. It is one of the only dirt tracks in the nation that holds events for Late Models and Sprints on a consistent basis. The track has held many events as part of the Northern Late Model Racing Association Series and Northern Outlaw Sprint Association.

Popular events at Devils Lake Speedway include the “Devils Run Car Show and Rod Run” and the “Golden Hammer Classic,” which has attracted some of the best Midwest Mod racers in the country. World of Outlaw standouts Donny Schatz and Ricky Weiss have raced at the facility on numerous occasions.

Purchase of the track comes with a long list of equipment including:

9N Tractor & 6ft Mower
John Deere Grader – Power Shift
600 Polaris 4-Wheeler
International 756 Tractor
3000 Gallon Water Tank Versatile Tractor
8N Tractor and Mower
Versatile 800 Tractor
Batwing Mower
Sheep Foot
12N Grader
Fuel Truck with Electric Pump
Storage Shed with Parts and Tools
2000 Gallon Water Tank
Welder / Generator
Service Truck
24ft x 32ft Stage for Concerts
Wheel Packer
Fuel Tank
Fold Up Disc
Spring Drag
Utility Trailer
Pit Shack
American Racing Radios

Interested buyers can contact Brian Jortner at [email protected] or at (440) 935-7460.

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1 thoughts on “Devil’s Lake Speedway In North Dakota Is For Sale – Beautiful Place, Cool Track, Neat Tractors!

  1. Justin

    Been to a few races there, on the plus side it’s way out of city limits so you don’t have to worry about noise complaints, but on the negative side it’s way out of city limits so I’m guessing attendance is an issue and people aren’t going to drive 15 miles out of town to go to the bar/grill. Way nicer scenery than Grand Forks and its trailer park.

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