How To Build A Basic Chassis Jig, And How To Use It. The Fabrication Series Is Building Something Cool!

How To Build A Basic Chassis Jig, And How To Use It. The Fabrication Series Is Building Something Cool!

I’ve dreamed of having a big fancy chassis table for many years. You know, the kind you see in full blown chassis shops? Yeah, I want one of those, with all the fixtures and all the clamps and all the cool gadgets. But those weigh a ton, cost a fortune, and take up a lot of room that I’ve not had available. So when we started building Cole’s LUV truck, and decided on a completely scratch built chassis for it, I knew that a large chassis table just wasn’t in the cards even if I wanted one. Instead we took an old chassis cart that my buddy Crosby had used as a jig for chassis builds of his own, and modified it to work for what we are building. It’s not fancy, but it is square and flat, and it’s working out just great for what we are building.

If I had not gotten the cart from Crosby to start with, I would have been building something really really similar to this Chassis Jig that The Fabrication Series has built and is using for a cool new project. We’ve got the chassis jig video and the first two videos in the build series so that you can see not only how to build the jig but also how to use it.

We’ll be following the project through it’s completion as well, so stay tuned for more fun stuff with this cool little truck.

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