We always love the work that Mr Hand Tool Rescue does. Whether he is working on a Bridgeport, making an apple peeler new again, or getting down an dirty fo fix an anvil, this guy is fun to watch. The man has great mechanical, fabrication, and creative skills that allows him to see parts that are not there and then make them lots of times to complete a job. But what about making the whole job from scratch? That’s the deal here as he takes patent drawings from about 110+ years ago and uses to them to create the thing in the drawings, a very basic and simple ratcheting wrench.
As he is quick to point out, this is not the first ratcheting wrench ever developed, those date from deep into the 1800s but this is one of the most smart and simple designs we have ever seen. It has exactly three parts. Those three parts are not as easy as they sound though and you will watch Mr Hand Tool Rescue employ his fabrication and machining skills here in ways we have never seen him lean on them before.
We think you will dig this video for the cool result and the methods to get there!