Gasser Build Starts Now: Pulling An Old 1951 Studebaker Out Of Storage And Transforming It Into Gasser Greatness

Gasser Build Starts Now: Pulling An Old 1951 Studebaker Out Of Storage And Transforming It Into Gasser Greatness

It’s as if Brent at Halfass Kustoms never sleeps. But we know he does, and we know he goes in for supper with his wife every night. We know this because it is always on his videos as he goes over the evening’s plan, gets started on it, and then goes in for supper only to return after supper for more work. He admits he doesn’t watch much tv and clearly likes being productive when it comes to hot rod builds. He inspires me because I feel like nobody is better at demonstrating how one hour, or two, several days a week can really make a difference in how your projects come along. And speaking of projects here is the latest one, and boy does it excite me.

If you don’t like bullet nose Studebakers, I’m not sure we can be friends. They aren’t my favorite thing in the world, don’t get me wrong, but there is something about them that is just cool no matter how they are built. They are special and as enthusiasts, I feel like they are one of those cars we’re all required to like and appreciate. So when Brent decided to post this latest video, of him grabbing a 1951 Studebaker from out behind the barn, it made me smile. The fact that he’s going to build it into a gasser is just a bonus.

Watch the video, see what he’s planning, and lets get this project rolling!

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