Stick Shift Tech: How To Index Your Bellhousing For Perfect Manual Transmission Operation

Stick Shift Tech: How To Index Your Bellhousing For Perfect Manual Transmission Operation

When you buy a manual transmission, a bell housing, a clutch, and the linkage to make it all work, you quickly realize during the installation that there is a lot going on here. It’s not complicated, but a lot of moving parts have to work together in order to get your car or truck moving and into the right gear. With that said, 95% of the time you can slap those parts together and have a working manual transmission. But that doesn’t mean it is going to work right, or that it will live long, or that you’ll be able to bang gears like a bad-ass. But why?

Well, when you take all these machined parts, with their tolerances, and then mate them to a cast engine block, with it’s machined tolerances, they sometimes work against each other. This is especially true when looking at the machined surfaces on the block. Core shift, old equipment, and parts that are sometimes more than 50 years old, can make for levels of accuracy that just might not make everything as happy as you want. Luckily there is a pretty straightforward and simple way to measure and correct any inaccuracies so your transmission works to its full potential.

Here’s the how and why from Jeremy at Holley.

Video Description:

One of the most misunderstood parts of mating your engine and transmission together is the requirement to index the bellhousing to the back of the engine properly. This alignment procedure allows for better shifting and can prolong the life of the transmission and the pilot bearing. Follow along as we show you the steps required to properly bring your engine and bellhousing together.……

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