When it comes to the sport of drag racing, few people have a conception of how far and wide the breadth of the sport goes. There’s the professional stuff on TV, there are the larger series that have strong media coverage, and then there are the thousands and thousands of racers who battle every weekend in a dozen different forms of the sport that you have never heard about. This video is part of that last group. It is a collection of runs on the edge, wrecks, saves, and more from little strips around the country.
There are small tire cars, big tire cars, no-prep stuff, and the list goes on and on. To many people THIS is “real” drag racing. The stuff that happens on a local or regional level, promoted by the tracks or small groups of dedicated racers and provides any number of reasons for fans and enthusiasts to show up and buy a ticket to support their nearest drag plant.
Some of these runs will blow you away, others will make you cringe. It’s non-stop crazy.
Man that purple Mustang wreck was pretty terrifying, wonder if that driver was ok?
Amazingly the driver of the purple Mustang escaped uninjured but a lady spectator standing by the barrier sustained a broken arm. Her life was likely spared by another spectator who grabbed her and pulled her back just before the car impacted the barrier.