With the back of the car getting all the attention recently, it is now time for Jeff to hit the front end of this one. Like the rest of this car there is a lot of original sheet metal that looks good from afar but is far from good. That means there will be a lot of massaging, replacement, and alignment going on. Plus plenty of fabrication.
This is a little car, and it still has lots of little things to fix on it, but Jeff is surely knocking them out. I am really digging this one and can’t wait to see how it all turns out.
I found this project on YouTube and it has been going on for a couple of years now so we need to catch up! This is Jeff, and he builds cool stuff, and he decided that he wanted to build an Alfa 105, which I have no clue about, and stuff it full of Ferrari power. Sounds like a hot rod to me, so I’m in. We’re going to share several videos at a time on this one to keep the ball rolling.
Check it out.