(Photos by Ashley Howard) – We’re back with more cool iron from the 2016 Calgary World of Wheels. We’re not sure what the weather is usually like during February in Calgary but it looks like it was a nice warm one last weekend so that must have really brought the people out to this show. Yeah, we know the thing was indoors but when the weather is arctic and nasty people tent to stay from from stuff. People that did not stay home include the owners of hundreds of awesome hot rods, classics, and muscle cars that turned out to be judged, viewed, and drooled on by the assembled masses.
Rather than just ramble on we’re going to tell you to check out all of the awesome images below and get ready for another load that’s coming tomorrow. What do hot rods look like north of the border? Pretty great if you ask us!
These photos must have been taken early during setup. The red Bug and the red Celica are the only 2 cars that are in our booth when these were taken.
These barely cover a 1/4 of what was there.
This was the 50th year of WOW (Autorama down south) in Calgary. Farmtruck and Azn even made an appearance and helped raise $1000 for prostate cancer by auctioning off an autographed banner.
That yellow Marlin is cool, eh.
Yellow Marlin gets my vote too.
Not sure what weather would keep Albertans away, those poor bastards can get snow in August, they are a hardy bunch!