(Words and photos by Brad Klaassen) – It’s the middle of winter in Oklahoma and all the drag machines are still in hibernation. So, what’s a die hard racing addict to do? Well, we loaded up and headed south across the Red River to Texas for a car show at a Baptist Church.
Okay, we know what you’re thinking. Well, let me tell you this wasn’t your typical car show fellow Bangshifters. We’re talking five nitro belching top fuel cackle cars and John Hale Racing’s Nostalgia Nitro Funny Car for our viewing pleasure at Point View Baptist Church in Combine, TX. Gotta admit this was our first event to ever cover at a church, but let me tell you it was well worth the drive.
This congregation embraces nitro fumes and ear drum rupturing sound just like yours truly. Other cars in the show were just as impressive. Oh, did we mention there was also a tagged and street legal two seat winged sprint car that was driven to the show? Yep, there was. And the bonus to covering this event was surprising our buddy John Hale. He had no idea we were coming to hang out for the day. Priceless!
So, enough of my rambling, go check out the shots and remember winter will be over soon and we’ll all be back to doing what we love the most. See you at the drags. –Bad Brad
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Shazam! Looks like a good time!
Great coverage Brad! Next year this will be the biggest cacklefest in the state of Texas. I promise!
Thanks Tim. I had a great time and can’t wait to attend again next year.