
the car junkie daily magazine.


More Cool Hot Rods, Gassers, and Street Rods From The 2016 NSRA Nationals

More Cool Hot Rods, Gassers, and Street Rods From The 2016 NSRA Nationals

(Words and photos by Doug Gregory) – As you may have guessed by now I gravitate to more traditional styling on just about everything and that applies doubly to early rods.  There is a lot you can do and it still fit the ‘traditional’ genre.  I do like them all though as long as they are done with taste.  Proportion and stance are paramount to create the right vibe regardless of what style is being used.  Fat fenders, no fenders, no top, or chopped top, all of these are lookers in their own respect and often these are reflections of the era in which they were built (or wish they were built).

About the only era of street rods I don’t really care for was the bulk of the 90s.  Too much monochrome and pastel paint, directional wheels, tweed, and billet aluminum.  Some is good because variety is awesome.  It seemed like most of the cars dubbed ‘street rods’ in this time period got the treatment.

In these albums you will continue to see more photos of cars in motion.  Typically these photos have fewer issues with clutter and light.  As the car moves (and the light moves across it) there are more choices for when to click the shutter.  It is a moving target so there is always the chance of a blur, but I’ll accept that challenge to capture more vehicles being driven….and this event is all about them being driven.

Enjoy the photos.

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