
the car junkie daily magazine.


More Race Cars From The Salt At Bonneville Speed Week 2016

More Race Cars From The Salt At Bonneville Speed Week 2016

Monday at Bonneville Speed Week 2016 had us seeing more new cars ready to run on the salt. It’s day 3 of the event, and we really didn’t expect to see more cars showing up now. Maybe some of them decided to let some of the racers get their records and get out of town before showing up, or maybe they were back at home thrashing to get their stuff done and ready to head to the salt. We’re not sure, but whatever the reason, it was surprising to us.

There are some that we didn’t get to shoot photos of, and will be hunting down today, but for those of you wanting to see more photos of the cool stuff here at Bonneville, here is another gallery of race cars from the famed Bonneville Salt Flats here in Wendover Utah.

Click any photo below to make them much bigger and scroll through them like a slide show.


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3 thoughts on “More Race Cars From The Salt At Bonneville Speed Week 2016

  1. Shawn Fox Firth

    wow lads your coverage of speedweek ’16 is Outstanding , I have long wanted to attend with or without a race car , this daily diet of speed is very inspirational . . .Thanks Lads . . .

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