2019 FAST EFI Training Class Registration Is Open! Take The Course…Be A Boss!

2019 FAST EFI Training Class Registration Is Open! Take The Course…Be A Boss!

The old saw that says “knowledge is power” is one that many people like to rattle off when they are feeling smart. For for hot rodding it needs to be adapted to, “Knowledge helps in making power” and the team at FAST (Fuel Air Spark Technology) knows exactly that and they can help you gather and maintain a LOT of knowledge in their training classes.

For a small investment of your time and money, you can learn more about EFI than you likely already know. You can learn more about operating the FAST EFI setup you want to use on your hot rod, want to install on a customer’s hot rod, or want to tune on other’s hot rods and that will make you more valuable in multiple ways.

The basics of fuel injection are known to many, but the details are what separates the good from the great. Hit the image below to be taken to the sign up page and you can check out the class locations and dates. We know several people who have been through the program and they all rave about it.

Learn something and make more horsepower. What’s better than that?!

Click the image below to see how and where to get your FAST education

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