You never know what you are going to find on Craigslist, which is probably why so many people spend so much time shopping for cars and parts there. You never know what you are going to find! This Jeep Cherokee is one such beast. You can imagine my surprise when this one popped up on the page. A Jeep Cherokee with a 14-71 Blower? Yep, sounds just about right. The mild steel chassis looks pretty cool, and the extended front end will keep everyone guessing. Little Blazers and Bronco IIs are not uncommon at the dragstrip, but a Cherokee? This one is going to raise some eyebrows. Especially when you consider it has a 440 cubic inch, Stage IV Indy Cylinder heads topped off with that 14-71 Littlefield blower. There are plenty of other good parts to, we think this one could be a run runner.
Here is all the info from the seller:
1989 Jeep Cherokee (2 door)
Stretched 12″
Full Mild Steel Soper Chassi built in 2011
Never fired all brand new everything!
440″ Chrysler stage IV Indy motor
14:71 littlefield Retro High Helix Blower
Big Ugly injector set up for Alcohol
Mallory Mag
Solid Block
Hughs Glide
Disk Brakes
10.5W slicks
Lexan windows (need to be installed)
Aluminum drive shaft (needs to be installed)
Wing (needs to be installed)
Rear brake lines (need to be installed)
Fire system (needs to be installed)
Battery (do not have)
Everything listed above is brand new just needs to be installed to finish.
Very Unique drag car!
Do not have time to finish/need the room.
$23,000 (562) 822-7877
see, this is how you do it. you have a jeep so you use a MOPAR engine in it. perfect. NOT ruined with an ls boat anchor.
C’mon, everyone knows LS stands for lickety split!