Can You Create Your Own 2-Stage Paint: Can You (Gloss 2K Clear) Over (FLAT BLACK) Rust-oleum TURBO Spray Paint? Find Out Here!

Can You Create Your Own 2-Stage Paint: Can You (Gloss 2K Clear) Over (FLAT BLACK) Rust-oleum TURBO Spray Paint? Find Out Here!

I love DIY paint projects and this one here is interesting because I’ve head a lot of people ask about this over the years. What people often wonder, myself included, is whether or not you can clear over flat or satin black and give it a deep gloss look. Or will it just look flat still under a shiny coat? And what if you use real clear coat? You know, the 2K stuff that requires catalyst, or hardener, to be used? Well in this video from AC Designs Garage, creater of the Shakemaster 4000 paint can shaker, we’re going to find out because he’s painting the bed side of a C10 with a big Turbo can of Rustoleum flat black and then he’s going to clear coat it with several coats of high gloss 2K Clear.

Will it bubble and react weird? Or will the two different products be compatible? We’ve all painted something and found that the primer and the color don’t like each other, or the clear doesn’t play well with the paint underneath, or some combo of the two. But is that going to be a problem for this one here?

To be clear, no pun intended, these two products are NOT the same. They are not designed to be used together, are not made by the same company, and in no way are intended to be used the way he’s doing in the video. But will it work? Or is it too much of a pain in the butt to be worth it?

Video Description:

In this weeks video I try out some ideas from you guys, thanks for the ideas!! This week we shot some ‪@spraymax‬ glamor clear over ‪@RustOleumBrands‬ Flat Black Turbo spray paint. We wanted to see if it was possible or not. Well, it turned out awesome. I think this is the new way I’m going to do this process when I use the 2k clear. The flat black lays down so much better than the gloss turbo and also it dries a lot faster!!! Make sure you tune in next week to see me cut and buff it to a mirror finish!!! Rember to keep praying for the folks in western NC, Tenn. Ga. and Fla. God Bless Adrian At AC Designs Garage!!!

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