How Street Outlaw’s Big Chief Missed The Wall On This One Is Beyond Us

How Street Outlaw’s Big Chief Missed The Wall On This One Is Beyond Us

There are times when stuff happens on a race track that don’t make much sense. Times when someone does everything but touch the wall, the centerline, the other car, or whatever. Often we refer to those as the driver wrecking but somehow not crashing. This is one of those times. We’re not sure if pulling the chute would have been better, worse, or neither, but we do know that Chief was sawing at the wheel like it owed him money. Man he was steering for all he was worth and all over the place. The guys at 1320Video got the shots, and it is certainly fun to watch.

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9 thoughts on “How Street Outlaw’s Big Chief Missed The Wall On This One Is Beyond Us

  1. theraif

    i watched a few days ago 90% luck i say but what do i know,,,,,,,,on another note after that run he kept making hits later to find a broken part you think after that run you would check it out rather to keep make more runs

  2. Mitchell green

    Big chief is big chief, the best, sorry daddy Dave , even your my favorite ! The chief do not play with that man, you will get burned, when it is all over,double DD one hell,of a driver, it is those two the rest are there waisting time, even murder nova bad ass, but what happen, it is one thing to win races, it\’s hard to keep doing it , and these two keep doing it that\’s why they are the best, if you agree let me know thanks.!

  3. Duck

    I don\’t care what anyone says, watch videos of others not saving it. I know without a doubt he is a good driver. I have had people tell me they don\’t know how I didn\’t wreck. It\’s because I can drive .. Chief is awesome!!!

  4. David rupp

    I\’m a fan of the 405 I\’ve seen chief crash he is a good driver but you bet he checked his drawers after that me and the wife watch the 405 race Shane and another driver are from the same town azn and farm truck are certifiably nuts daddy Dave is one not to mess with he can take out anybody at anytime even on a bad day

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