Tech Tip Tuesday: Does Brake Caliper Location Matter?

Tech Tip Tuesday: Does Brake Caliper Location Matter?

I’ve seen a lot of arguments over the years about placing calipers on a vehicle and have even seen “engineers” trying to explain the dynamic forces at play both to dispel the myth that location matters and to prove that it is not a myth. I’ve seen load cell data that might suggest there is a motion movement change in certain circumstances but the data required such precise sensors as to be too small a force to realize in any kind of real-world application. So why then are some calipers on the front of the axle or front spindle and some are at the rear? Packaging is the answer, packaging.

The only thing that matters when setting up a brake system is that you can bleed that system effectively which means that mounting the calipers so that they have a bleeder pointing as close to straight-up as possible is the best way to go. Of course, it also needs to not hit stuff, and sometimes that means the caliper is better off on the backside of the front spindle, and other times it might be up in front.

Watch Doug.

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1 thoughts on “Tech Tip Tuesday: Does Brake Caliper Location Matter?

  1. Bob Meyer

    As a builder with 55 yrs. in business, I agree 100% with your tips, it’s all about bleeder placement! But one statement about the type of caliper bracket you showed with the statement “this can be mounted in any direction” is not entirely accurate. You showed what is known as a “C” cut bracket. I’ve seen hundreds of these mounted upside down through the years and people whining about gear lube running on the rotors!! Think about where the liquid level is in the housing? it’s on the bottom!!! the “C” opening facing down is the cause!
    This style bracket MUST have the “C” opening at the top, so pressure at the bottom where it belongs, will NOT LEAK !

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