Now, this is both a scary example and a valuable lesson regarding stuff that burns nitro. The scary example part is when the engine barfs the rods out the bottom and throws fire all over the place with a man standing in it. Then there’s the part about the driver who seems to be “under-dressed” as well. The valuable lesson part is the fact that this is an illustration of the fact that when nitro is in the tank of anything, you are on throttle crack away from something crazy happening.
This video was taken at the Columbus GoodGuys show and it highlights a former Don Prudhomme Firebird funny car being cackled for the crowd. We love cackling, we love the fact that drag racing can have some living history and people get to feel the awesome effects of nitro, etc. Totally love all that. We love the fact that there was obviously a fire brigade right next to the car that started throwing water immediately after things got very hot for the “crew chief” and the driver.
I got told a long time ago by a really smart guy that the most dangerous thing you can see around a nitro burning engine are relaxed people. He told me that if you don’t see people acting with a purpose and just kind of being there in a blasé fashion, don’t get close because they likely made a mistake in putting the thing together before they fired it up. There’s a necessary level of vigilance needed around these things, cacklers or not.
We understand that the guy IN the fire is OK and that the driver of the car was OK as well. Always remember that if you are around an engine that is running on fuel, you best be on your toes and it must have your full attention.
always wondered how smart these guys around running Nitro Cars in in shorts and t-shirts were–apparently no very.
I thought Skoal was a smokeless tobacco!
“you torqued the rod bolts right”…yeah I think so…
The guy in the shorts over the motor IS NOT a rookie. Get your facts straight before you publish or comment. Shit happens when you play with fuel. Just go to a big show race, you’ll see lots of destruction of motors.
Jungle never wore shorts around his running motors – his hairy stilts would go up like July 4th sparklers!!