California’s Samoa Drag Strip Preyed Upon By Idiot Junkie Theives – Wiring For Timing System Stolen

California’s Samoa Drag Strip Preyed Upon By Idiot Junkie Theives – Wiring For Timing System Stolen

So let me begin by saying that I am adding the “junkie” part to this story because it sure fits the bill of other news stories we have seen over the years where some guy all strung out on drugs or jonesing for drugs decides he needs to make some money and will do it by stealing copper wire and scrapping it. In my opinion, this news story has all the hallmarks of a crime committed by a junkie. There’s nothing to suggest that in the facts yet but it is my gut reaction. What has actually happened is that the small quarter mile drag racing facility known as Samoa Drag Strip in Eureka , California was vandalized and stolen from last weekend. Thieves went around and ripped all of the wiring out of the conduits that run all over the place at the track. Most notably they carry the wires which drive the timing system. The track estimates the cost to repair at some $5,000 which they really do not have. We give the operators credit in that they are quoted as saying that $5,000 they had saved and was destined to go to pay for insurance at the track in 2015 and now it will be chewed up on this.

The track is a local type facility and it operates as a non-profit so this is really a big kick in the nuts. As is mentioned in the news story that we have linked to below, even if they get the wire itself back there is still a ton of labor and repairs that need to be done which will cost the track time and money that they don’t have. The good news is that they have vowed to be open again in the spring, which we’re happy about because without explicit word like is given in the story doubts and rumors may linger. They will be opening up in a hole though and that royally sucks. Hopefully the local business and tradesman community can help the track to get fixed up and operational again for reasonable cost.

Race tracks have enough stuff to worry about these days without some drugged out freak actually vandalizing the place. We hope whoever did this gets what they have coming to them. Although judging by their already depraved state, it seems that may have received that package previously.



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11 thoughts on “California’s Samoa Drag Strip Preyed Upon By Idiot Junkie Theives – Wiring For Timing System Stolen

  1. Dwight Callaway Sr.

    We have started a GoFundMe campaign for raise the necessary funds to repair the Samoa Dragstrip. Our goal is $5,000; however, even if the goal is not met, all proceeds will go directly to Samoa. To date, we have raised $1,200 on their behalf. Please share a link to the GoFundMe campaign. Any donations are welcome!

  2. Dwight Callaway Sr.

    We have started a GoFundMe campaign to raise the necessary funds to repair the Samoa Dragstrip. Our goal is $5,000; however, even if the goal is not met, all proceeds will go directly to Samoa. To date, we have raised $1,200 on their behalf. Please share a link to the GoFundMe campaign. Any donations are welcome!

  3. Tom P

    Druggies for sure, hope they get electrocuted on the next heist.
    Samoa is a very cool and historic track.

  4. Scott Liggett

    Just as likely illegals took the copper. Anything that can be sold to metal scrappers for cash gets stolen. Wiring, brass valves out of fire hydrants. You name it. Two idiots tried to steal copper from an LA Dept of Water & Power substation and got electrocuted. The simplest solution is go after the companies that buy it all just like they will prosecute pawn shops for buying stolen property.

    1. geri

      Scott Ligget- your comment is just plaing ignorant- more likely some redneck needin $$ fer his AK47ammo or meth chemical’s Yeee Haw.

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