I’m one of those people that has no problems whatsoever with snakes. Garter snakes don’t bother me in the least. I brought a four-foot black rat snake to show my mother (that went well), a cottonmouth back into my third-grade class after recess (that went well), and spent an afternoon soaking up the water and the sun at the Kincaid Lake Spillway while letting a baby diamond-backed watersnake play around through my fingers much to the horror of my compatriots. The only time I’m genuinely concerned about a snake is if it actively charging me, which has happened once ever in my life when I surprised a sidewinder while out on a hike, and when they start making noise. If a snake is actively making a sound, all you need to know is that it is pissed off and you need to get the hell away quickly. Any snake…a cobra hiss, the rattlesnake’s signature sound, the slithering noise of an unseen reptile that you were not expecting to be nearby. All of those noises mean that you should probably start paying attention to what’s going on…and actively start defusing the situation before you’re looking for the nearest anti-venom kit.
3,000 horsepower worth of V-10 can overcome any qualm you might have about the noise that is coming from underneath the clamshell of this Viper. They might have been a tribute to one of the best sports car road racers out there, but they look wild when they’re set up for the dragstrip. And this beast is set up, even for early testing. If the driveshaft hadn’t said syanora, who knows what this machine would be capable of?