The first few days of January are usually reserved for the post-holiday hangover and the first week back to work, which usually brings it’s own form of hangover to the party, the one where you begrudgingly admit that you need this job, but man, after the time off, you were not ready to return. The weather might suck, the snow might be up to the bottom curve of your slightly holiday-enlarged buttocks, and that is all the reason you need to stay inside, soak up a few more hours of television and to sip down the last of the peppermint hot chocolate that Aunt Brenda got you for Christmas. We wouldn’t blame you a bit for wanting to cozy up and relax some.
But if you’re a racer, and you want to get your stuff ready to go for the season, you drag your hide to where you can test and you start collecting data and dialing in your gear as soon as possible if you want to come out swinging at the first race. There aren’t a lot of open tracks during this time of year, but in Dallas, there’s plenty of places nearby to get your speed fix going.
Like hunting Mustangs? Worried that the late-model Charger might have something for you? Live in Texas? Consider this video a proper warning of what 2020 will bring you. Start preparing!