The Greatest Drag Racing Wheelstand Video Ever Made? We Think So – More Than Four Minutes Of Bumper Dragging Fury

The Greatest Drag Racing Wheelstand Video Ever Made? We Think So – More Than Four Minutes Of Bumper Dragging Fury

We love wheelstand videos and we know that you do as well. Know who else does? Sean Melton of Urban Hillbilly Action Video and he’s got an archive of footage from his years at the drag strip that boggles the mind. Sean has been cranking out some great compilation videos recently but this is out favorite one yet. As in the other videos, Sean combines great video clips from years back with stuff that he has shot in more recent times.

One of the things that videos like this remind us of is the fact that there’s been absolutely nutty stuff happening, particularly with “small tire” drag cars for some years now. It kind of makes us feel old. Today’s world of advanced suspension designs, tire compounds, data acquisition, and pin point tuning see that the record books are rewritten on an almost week to week basis. The cars are still wild and they are faster than ever but it is always awesome to glance back to see the types of cars and runs that built the scene that we have today. This footage was shot at tracks all over the country and you’ll surely see some cars in here that you’ll remember.

This is over four minutes of non-stop craziness. Guys on one wheel, guys with all four off the ground and landings that range from violent to total plane crash level will keep you glued to your screen. Watching this video with my kids it was a slew of OHHHHs and WOAHHHHs though the whole thing. Grab the other guys in the shop, the other people in the office, or the weird booger eating guy on the other side of your cubicle and press play. Everyone loves this stuff!


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1 thoughts on “The Greatest Drag Racing Wheelstand Video Ever Made? We Think So – More Than Four Minutes Of Bumper Dragging Fury

  1. Nitromike66

    You can call them “sissy sticks” all you want, I just see a bunch of torn up shit. I’ll keep my wheelie bars, thank you.

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