There’s nothing like close, tight racing that leaves everybody wondering just who in the hell took the stripe at the end. Nothing. And when it’s two cars that are fighting and losing the battle with traction out back and two drivers that are doing everything in their power to keep their machines moving in a straight-ish line on some four-lane road out in the middle of nowhere in broad daylight, well…welcome to the Kansas City Cash Days event. Anytime you get machines to come out and drivers to pay in for a throwdown, you’re in for a good time, but this time around there was some kind of magic going on…the cars were a grab-bag, ranging from a wicked 2JZ-powered Toyota to a Pro Stock-like Firebird, in addition to the usual suspects, and the racing was “rewind and review” close on more than just one pass. Some names you might know, some you may not, but as far as action goes, it doesn’t get much better than this bit of heaven!