We have one problem with Les Mayhew and his continued insistence in making drag racing films. That problem? We’re running out of superlatives to address them with. Once again, Les Mayhew brings us some drag racing cinematic coolness with this look at the top fuel class competing at the 2016 Good Vibrations March Meet. SCE Gaskets sponsored the film and we’re sure glad for that because these are videos that will stand the test of time. In 20 years people will be watching this to see what it was like “back then” and when they do they’ll be greeted by a wall of imagery and sound they’ll hardly believe. Some of that sound is the thick New York accents of Michael and Tony Bartone which we love.
Our favorite aspect of this film is the fact that Mayhew takes the time to get great input from every driver vying for a spot in the qualified field. It is not a profile of one team, it is not a look at one round, it is a half hour of sheer brilliance and very, very hard work.
As we have said roughly 14-billion times over the years here, the reason that Les’s stuff looks and feels totally different than anyone else’s is because of the passion and appreciation he has for the sport of drag racing. This goes far beyond the pictures though. It goes to the questions he is asking of the racers and in turn, their confidence in him to answer them with more than one word blurbs. There are stories out there and people will tell them to the folks that they know will present them the right way and Les is that guy.
From the opening shot to the coverage of the round to round qualifying and elimination results, this is a fantastic piece of film making from top to bottom and we’re going out on a limb here thinking that Les has more of this stuff in the can waiting to roll for us to enjoy.
Thank Les Mayhew, SCE Gaskets, and Good Vibrations…they thew in and all had a part in this happening!