Watch The Turbocharged Six Cylinder, Manually Shifted Opala Run 6.90 At 222mph!

Watch The Turbocharged Six Cylinder, Manually Shifted Opala Run 6.90 At 222mph!

The boys down in Brazil are at it again. We found this awesome video on the Hot Campinas YouTube page and it shows one of the meanest Opalas we have ever seen making a rip roaring run. You are going to see this turbocharged six cylinder, manually shifted Opala run 6.90at 222mph. The car is truly awesome and it look like it has a bracket style radial slick on it but we’re not 100% on that. You will see the run from a million different angles, including from inside the car.

Our favorite angle is the one right by the bullhorn exhaust pipe. That baby pukes like a 3-4ft tower of flame out of it when the car is on the two step getting ready to launch. It is also the best angle to hear how much they softened the car up to get it off the starting line with the radials hooked to the surface. The power is fed back into the car quickly and man the thing is off like a rocket. Tracking straight and true, the driver swaps hands every time he makes a shift, returning two hands to the wheel. We like that practice.

On my list of places I want to visit in the sport of drag racing England is number one and Brazil is number one a. The culture of speed down there seems totally awesome and if you notice the crowd at the strip, everyone’s in on the fun. This rules!

Press play below to see this video that starts weird but ends awesome, trust us!

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