(Photos by David Whealon) – We always laugh at people who sit there and say that there is no innovation anywhere in racing anymore. Look at the stuff in this collection of David Whealon images from the Lee County Mud Motorsports Complex and tell us none of it looks different, experimental, or innovative. Stevie Wonder would argue with you over that point. Along with the interesting equipment and skilled drivers, there’s a high level of competitive spirit on display here as well. Note the truck in the lead photo which has totally lost contact with the Earth and seems to be headed in a direction kind of perpendicular to the one it should be going in. Whoops!
Mud racing has evolved with chassis advancements and tire advancements. These guys have always had the horsepower, they are now able to use it more and more efficiently. I know plenty of drag racers who started in the mud and they all say that there’s nothing more wild or violent than hauling ass across a pit full of gumbo. Looking at these photos? I believe them.
Hit the images below to expand them and then scroll on and watch out for flying mud!