The American Powertrain Parting Shift: Ride Along In A Monza That’s Got A Stroker Small Block And A Lenco

The American Powertrain Parting Shift: Ride Along In A Monza That’s Got A Stroker Small Block And A Lenco

For as complicated and big buck as drag racing can be, nothing’s better in our book than riding along in a car like the Monza that is featured below. That’s right, we’re going to a take ride in a Monza that’s got a stroker small block and Lenco transmission in it! This car is the type of basic, bare bones, strip blazer that thousands of people across the country race every weekend. Of course not many of those have the awesome Lenco transmission in them but you get what we’re saying.

The sound that the little small block makes as it chews its way down the strip is fantastic. It sounds like the strip may have a couple of bumps by the way the engine surges some nearing the end of the run. This thing runs as part of the UMTR or United Manual Transmission Racers group and they race all over the place. I am reasonably sure that this is Edgewater Motorsports Park in Ohio. The car has to have some steep gears in it as the driver rips through all the Lenco levers in a hurry during his 5.67-second blast through the eighth mile.

The Lenco remains a very popular transmission in many classes at the strip. Huge powered cars like pro mods use them, many now with torque converter drive units attached to the front. It is that marriage of the converter’s modern technology and the brute strength and reliability of the Lenco that’s a match made in heaven. We’re not insulting the small block in this Monza when we say that the Lenco is more than man enough to hang onto whatever the engine is throwing at it.

This car rules. Long live clutch pedals, Lenco transmissions, and sportsman drag racing!

Press play below to take a ride along in a small block powered, Lenco shifted Monza

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