Ever meet a car so wicked that you compare every other example to it? That’s the case with the machine you’ll get to hear in this video, the LUV truck. We are no stranger to this silver badass…it haunts Texas here, there and just about anywhere that the owner is willing to drive it on…which is just about any patch of asphalt you can come up with. A small block and one hit of nitrous combine to turn a rebadged Isuzu Faster into…well, much faster. This little bastard romps! It’s normal mode is to launch heavy and track the strip with flames pouring out of the fender-exit headers while letting the eight cylinders under the hood battle it out for the speed crown. It’s a grudge machine through and through…the details are vague if they are given at all, and the owner has it tuned for any time, any where, drag strip or otherwise. It is no Pro Mod and it goes like a shot every time the rears hook into the surface. I grew up with these little scrappy rigs and if there was ever anything they needed, it was a heaping helping of horsepower that was high on nitrous!