Most BangShift eBay Find Ever: This Turbine Engine Comes Mated To A VW Transmission – BUY THIS NOW

Most BangShift eBay Find Ever: This Turbine Engine Comes Mated To A VW Transmission – BUY THIS NOW

Thanks to eagle eyed BangShifter Matt DuCharme, we have this amazing eBay find to show you. What you are looking at is a Garrett GTP-70 turbine engine that has been mated to a VW transmission by way of a specialty built coupler. Yes, you can read that again if you want. The engine makes 160hp and the seller claims that it makes torque like a healthy small block so this thing would be a riot in a sand rail or maybe, just maybe, in a VW bug or bus on the street. We think it needs to go into a VW for drag week, personally but that is just us.

The engine weighs 200lbs by itself. The coupler and the transmission add to that total package but it is still decently compact and essentially ready to be mounted and run according to the seller. One of the funny things about the ad is that it may be the first time in recorded automotive history that a guy saying, “the hard work is already done” is telling the truth! Normally those words come when you are looking at some hopelessly mangled car that needs every last nut and bolt done. This time? You just need to figure a way to mount it and a way to feed it fuel. That may be an issue because turbines tend to be pretty thirsty but then again if it is mounted in a little, light vehicle maybe it wouldn’t be too bad on fuel.

We’re picturing the air intake plumbed with a forward facing scoop on the roof of a Beetle and the exhaust plumbed right out the back. People would have no freaking clue as to what they were seeing and we’d love to get a look-see on the face of an officer of the law who decided to pull the machine over for a check.

Yes, the sensible move would be to put it in a tube buggy and then bomb around in the sand but what fun is sensible. BUY THIS NOW!

Here’s some text from the eBay listing:

This is a Garrett GTP-70 Turbine Engine and Volkswagen manual transmission mated together with a custom built gearbox / adapter plate. Engine makes approximately 160 hp at 6,000 rpm’s. I know this does not sound like much horsepower but it has a TON of torque, as much as a good running small block Chevy! This would be a great start for any Volkswagen project that used a four cylinder opposed air cooled engine.  Of course you will have to make custom mounts for everything but the hard work is done.  Pretty sure you will be the only turbine powered bug at the next VW show!

Model and Type
GTP 70-52 Turboshaft, 2- stage centrifugal compressor, 1 combustion chamber, 1-stage turbine




















turbine3 turbine4 turbine5




























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2 thoughts on “Most BangShift eBay Find Ever: This Turbine Engine Comes Mated To A VW Transmission – BUY THIS NOW

  1. Aircooled

    This gas turbine is deisgned to power a 400hz generator at a constant 6000rpm. Coupling it to manual gearbox is not going to result in anything driveable on a road.

    Now, lets talk about jet boats….

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