BOOM: Steve Evans Talks Us Through Some Top Fuel Blunders and ‘Splosions

BOOM: Steve Evans Talks Us Through Some Top Fuel Blunders and ‘Splosions

This Saturday BOOM comes from the archives of Diamond P Sports and their thousands of hours of racing footage accumulated over the years covering events ranging from the NHRA to horse barrel racing. There are no horses in this video (a Saturday BOOM with a horse would be pretty ugly stuff, after all) but there is a lot of smoke, fire, and a top fuel engine that is more mangled and destroyed that any we have ever seen before or since. That engine, or what remains of that engine belonged to big Doug Herbert who we were hanging out with in the announcing booth at zMax last weekend. This is NOT his infamous Pomona explosion, rather a boomer he had at Rockingham in the 1990s. The clip is from one of the coveted “…And they walked away” series.

Also of note in this video is the final clip that shows Tommy Johnson Jr.’s top fuel dragster spitting the rear end completely out of the chassis at Atlanta in the 1990s. TJ has had terrible luck at that track ever since and last year it looked like he was going to be able to conquer it until his car exploded in a massive fireball. He went deep into eliminations last year but the streak of badness continued. That race is coming again in May and we’ll be there…so won’t he!

In this video, Steve Evans takes us through some exciting moments in Top Fuel racing from the early 1990s, including an engine explosion even he had not seen the likes of before and we haven’t seen since!



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1 thoughts on “BOOM: Steve Evans Talks Us Through Some Top Fuel Blunders and ‘Splosions

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    Well – that’ll teach him not to run out of welding rods and just glue the frame rails together with model airplane glue!

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