Nostalgia Drags Coverage: The Most BangShifty Cars At Maple Grove Glory Days

Nostalgia Drags Coverage: The Most BangShifty Cars At Maple Grove Glory Days

(Photos by Joe Grippo) – When it comes to nostalgia drag racing there are lots of different ways one can go. You can run a slingshot dragster and experience the same feeling that the hardcore racers of the 1960s and early 1970s experienced. You can run yourself a muscle car and channel the spirit of the great gear jamming pro stock racers of old. You can run an altered and do your best Wild Willie Borsch impersonation, or you can do something really dedicated and run a recreation of a car (famous or not) that influenced you as you were coming up in the sport.

You’ll see examples of all this stuff in the gallery below that our own Joe Grippo shot at the Maple Grove Glory Days nostalgia drags a while back. The event was held under gray skies but that did not slow the enthusiasm or the intensity of the competition and action. In this collection of photos, Joe has shared stuff that is 100% pure BangShift approved. This is really great and the little black Falcon wagon? Holy smokes is it cool!

Check out these photos and enjoy!

Click the images to expand them and then scroll on with arrow keys to see ’em all –

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