That could be a personal record right there, coming at you with three questions in a title, but that is what I am about. Enough about me already, this is about you. Specifically, this is about you and your opinion of the hearse themed hot rod that you will see below. The car is not really a rat rod but more of a “theme rod” because there is a legit casket stowage area in the rear of this thing with drapes and all. There’s the open cab t-bucket style driving area, the brass lamps that are always a huge hit, and extremely long zoomie style headers that allow the 305ci engine to sing to the heavens (see what I did there?). There’s a license plate attached with the witty phrase, “Last Ride” on it. DID..NOT…SEE…THAT…..COMING!
Our understanding is that there was a time, an era, a period, where cars like this were not only common but celebrated on the pages of magazines and other publications. That age has long since passed but is it cool to have something like this again? All things in hot rodding are cyclical to some level and these theme rods may be the next thing to boomerang back into the public consciousness, or they aren’t. Which is it?
CLICK HERE to see this hot rod hearse
When I was in high school circa mid 60’s I drove a 1957 Cadillac Miller Meteor hearse. Anotherguy in town (Grand Rapids Michigan) had a 1958 Superior. Had a lot of fun with it.
I wouldn’t have a problem with a hearse. But this one does nothing for me.
I also would own a hearse but I don’t care much for this one. I like the old Caddy hearses from the sixties. This one is for fair weather only and looks kinda long.
MMM hearses- whilst some are pretty cool, I’ll just wait my turn .
My first car was a 68 M&M cady. 472 two speed with 44k on the od. Girl repellent. Also it is funny how many people say hurst. What about a hurst hearse?
I like them….Saying that,being a street rodder myself. But i would personally not own one. I think that the funeral industry,funeral homes should buy them. If there is a lot of street rodders in an area. this could be used to remember a fellow street rodder with his car in behind the hearse. Have seen this done with different car clubs. But what a cool last ride.
Not a bad price for what it is
Needs a big block and a blower
Hearses are great. Like some other posters, I prefer the ’60s style, but this would still be pretty funny to drive around town….
My alter ego, Steve Savage who is a poet that dwells in the dark side would love this! Put larger wire wheels on it, some tasty fenders and slot in a Ford motor then it would be perfect for scaring passers by whilst a giant PA plays dark poems about murder, suicide, demons and a host of other horrors!
Now I’ve woken him up and he’s banging on his coffin lid – no! stay away! arrrrrrrrrrrrgh!