We’re back with part two of the Stevie Fast video autobiography and this one covers the years of 2001 through 2010. This time period was when Jackson really started to feel his oats and grow in the sport. It is a story of perseverance and an attitude that was both unbreakable and unwilling to accept to defeat. It is interesting to hear Jackson tell his own story because as much mythology has been built up around the guy, this is the real stuff. Trust us, the mythology is all rooted in truth. If you listen to Jackson’s words, he is the most unlikely dude to ever climb this high up in the world of professional drag racing. Part of that is humility and part of that is lulling everyone in the nitro ranks into a false sense of security. He’s going to be there. Neither he nor we know when…but he will be.
So what happened between 2001 and 2010 for Stevie Fast? He fought, and lost, and broke, and failed, and learned how to become a professional racer. This is literally a guy who did it the old fashioned way. Dare we say, there are shades of Glidden, Garlits, and other old school heroes in here. Think we’re being over-dramatic. Jackson was a Ford line mechanic like Glidden was. Jackson went to a reasonably high profile race and got humiliated like Garlits did at the 1959 March Meet and then proceeded to win every race for the rest of the season after testing so relentlessly it cost him about every dime he had.
This guy is the real thing.