It was a while back when we first showed you photos and some video of a unique drag car project that was coming together called the Rudezeon. This is the combo of a tube chassis, a Volvo Amazon body and an Evinrude 300 2-stroke V8 marine engine. Well kids, the car is up and running, doing burnouts, and it needs to be heard to be believed. There really is not anything we can compare to it as far as sound goes. It has hints of rotary engine, hints of snowmobile, and hints of satan himself hidden in there when you tune your ear to different parts of it.
We do know that it sounds really, really unhappy until the thing gets up in the revs and then it cleans up and sings a happy tune. The Rudezon crew built their own expansion chambers and figured out how to make this engine happy laying on its side instead of standing up in an outboard marine configuration where it would have normally been.
It is weird, it is awesome and ultimately we cannot wait to see what it turns for times. No, it won’t be breaking any existing door slammer records but when it is all sorted out, the flyweight package will probably move pretty well.
Hey, how to two stroke engine like nitrous anyway?
A nice methanol conversion and a healthy spray of nitrous should put that thing where it belongs.
Sounds like a really pissed off chainsaw!
I like it!
Now THAT is awesome… 🙂
I raced a Suzuki RG500 when I was a kid and there is nothing, nothing like the sound of a 2 stroke coming on the pipe. I for one can’t wait to see this Rodney finished. he he…………..