We have to place full credit on the shoulders of II Much’s John Ulaszek for tipping us off to what may be the most wacky 1966 Dodge Charger ever built. Featuring a hood with scoops from an E-body, and what look to be scoops from a Super Bee as well. It has tail fins from a late 1950s or 1960 Fury tail fins on it, and the capper? The capper is a big block motor with the Sonoramic ram style intake that was used in the early 1960s on Chryslers big horsepower, high performance stuff.
The car has been through a fire. If you did not notice that, please forego operating a bus, driving heavy equipment, or putting your fingers near a blender because you will probably lose them. The fire was enough to melt the tail lights, melt the paint off a lot of the car but the engine and interior seem to be intact. The thing probably smells like something that crash landed from another planet but the motor is certainly worth a few bucks and if that is not worth a few bucks, that intake manifold sure is.
The styling of the car is obviously polarizing and under different circumstances we’d probably be snooty about it but here’s the deal. Someone built that thing and loves it. They had their stuff cooked in a fire and that’s crummy no matter how you slice it. We wouldn’t wish that ending onto any car or any car owner no matter the style of build that they have chosen to pursue.
The pictures tell the story and the ad really spells it out. Just look.
Check out the photos and then hit the link at the bottom for the ad
Save the manifolds…
They already tried that!
Poor car, abused by a certifiable owner!
For some perverse reason (maybe aftereffects of Halloween) I want to get it running and leave the outside exactly as is. It looks downright evil with the fire damage to it.
Inspiration for the movie ” Christine ” ? Or inspired by?
Pull the engine and sacrifice the rest of this fugly abortion to the Gods of Mopar. Then lobotomise the builder to stop him ever creating something so vile ever again.
fill the wiper washer reservoir with gas add a gas grille lighter & take it to car shows. Guaranteed nobody will park next to it at the mall.
I spotted an all black 60s chrysler 300 from way off, sitting real low. angled lights the chrome… A black crow was banging the bumper like a woodpecker. I walk up to it and see a hurst shift shining, 4 speed poked through the carpet. the most gothic thing I had ever seen… I could not help but stare at it.
I will never wonder where this 66 with fins came from. I’d respect it as is.
Christine burned and fixed herself….can this one