Todd Aldridge is the man who sent us the Craigslist link for this truck and we’re not sure whether we should give him a high five for the tip or relocate our email address without telling him. The jury is still out. We’re kidding of course but when we clicked the link and this baby was staring us in the face on the other end of the computer it took a second for our eyes to adjust.
The ad states that the truck was built by a couple of old guys who had too much time on their hands and wanted a to do something unique. They certainly achieved that! The Chevy LUV style cab up front is painted nicely and trimmed nicely inside. What’s under the hood? Nothing. Literally nothing. The engine is sitting behind the cab and we’re thinking that you’d never forget that because because the engine is a supercharged big block Chevrolet! Running a set of marine looking headers and hooked to an automatic transmission, the seller says that it makes a bunch of power and that the truck is really fast. We don’t doubt it. Even a mild big block back there would make this thing lunatic fringe.
We’re not sure why they went quite to high with the roll bat. It is way over the roof of the cab. A least the roof isn’t going to get mashed if the truck rolls over, right? The box-like bed is constructed from wood and the work done to create it is beautiful. While we’re not big fans of wood on cars and trucks, this is beautiful wood work and clearly shows that someone took a lot of time and put a lot of through into the job before starting it
What’s funny about this truck is that many oddities like this one are complete disasters with hill-jack engineering and scary fabrication all around. This one has none of that stuff. Yes it is weird and a little gawky but it was built nicely and well. It ain’t our style but at least whoever buys it looks like they are getting something that was stuck together well!
Scroll down to see the photos and then hit the link at the bottom –
Wow – T-bucket meets Chevy truck!
I even like it – shame a full-length photo wasn’t included though…
That’s a late 60s early 70s PL521 Datsun, love those trucks…… Not this one. Not a big fan of people trading in their metal fab skills for capentry on cars. Too much “furniture” for me!
Coffin equipped
That is not a Chevy LUV, that is a Datsun. The stock ones are lovable, but they ride like crap and the drum brakes suck –> ask me how I know….