Deep Breathing Exercise: Uncle Tony Gives The History of Multiple Carb Systems In The Muscle Car Era

Deep Breathing Exercise: Uncle Tony Gives The History of Multiple Carb Systems In The Muscle Car Era

This right here is an awesome history lesson. Uncle Tony is talking induction and more precisely he is talking about multi-carb induction during the muscle car era. Tri-power, six pack, and dual quad systems are talked about here. Obviously, multi-carbs were not invented in the muscle car era but they became very common during this time and all of the systems had their interesting differences and tweaks. From the carbs used, the style of linkage, and more, nothing was exactly the same. Tony talks differences.

He them moves on to the dual quad setups and runs through the factory deficiencies as well as the things that make them cool. We learned a bunch of stuff through this video, mostly details that we did not know before and that is the definition of a good time for us.

Dig this pocket history of multi-carb induction through the muscle car era and then go intake and carb shopping…like now!

Press play below to see this cool history of multiple carbs on muscle cars –

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