Video: This Compilation Of Awesome Grudge Racing Runs Shows What’s Driving Its Explosion In Popularity

Video: This Compilation Of Awesome Grudge Racing Runs Shows What’s Driving Its Explosion In Popularity

(Video credit: TheRacingVids YouTube Channel) – Sometimes in drag racing it IS all about the money. That’s what the grudge game is all about. Getting paid more than you have to pay someone else is how lots of guys make a living on this stuff and while the video you are about to see was made at various tracks, not all of the grudge action that happens out there is between two walls with some scoreboards shut off. Many times there are no walls, there are no scoreboard, and there’s no sticking around after your pass if you understand what we’re telling you here.

We certainly prefer our grudge and no time racing on the drag strip because it gets people in front of it, largely keeps them out of harm’s way, and it puts on a great show. You are going to see all different kinds of cars in this video. Yes, the majority of them have thumping nitrous engines under the hood but there are some blower machines in this mix as well.

Hell, the Camaro in the lead photo above was on its SECOND wheelie of the run when we grabbed that image! Because this is not playtime for these guys and winning means a big payday and losing means a potentially crippling financial loss, there’s lots of theater, a lot of jawing, and a lot of seriously interested parties when these cars run.

You may not love the gambling end of things but you can’t help but love the cars and the characters that make up this rapidly exploding part of the drag racing world.

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1 thoughts on “Video: This Compilation Of Awesome Grudge Racing Runs Shows What’s Driving Its Explosion In Popularity

  1. Danno

    Brian, your last paragraph sums up my personal interest in this form of racing perfectly. Many of the racers featured are total tools I can’t respect (as people). I also cringe every time I see high HP cars doing burnouts with people lining both sides of the cars. And the drama depicted reminds me of a bunch of middle schoolers. That said the cars and the races are totally cool drawing me, and I suspect thousands of other older gear heads to watch.

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