Watch Don Garlits Cackle A Car Inside His Shop And Tell AMAZING 1960s Racing Stories – MUST WATCH

Watch Don Garlits Cackle A Car Inside His Shop And Tell AMAZING 1960s Racing Stories – MUST WATCH

Geoff Stunkard gets all the credit in the world for this amazing video of Don Garlits which was shot less at Big’s shop on the grounds of the drag racing museum  in  Ocala, Florida. In this clip you will see Garilts finish the building of a hemi engine, you will see him cackle that hemi engine on a load of nitro, and you will hear him tell some incredible stories of how he figured out the methods of making a hemi really run on fuel. You can slap us around for our “hero worship” of Garlits if you want but we’d respond by telling you to take a hike. The guys is it, the pinnacle of what this whole genre of motorsports will ever be about.

We’re not sure what  is better in this video, seeing him finish off the building of a hemi or watching said hemi cackle and spit nitro INSIDE the Garlits shop. The stories are incredible and they are told right out of Big Daddy’s mouth, which is the best way possible. One thing that blew us away came during the scene where he is torquing the head bolts of the hemi down. The dude still has some pythons! Don Garlits is tireless and preparing for a 2014 tour that will take him far and wide like the old says. We wish him the best!


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1 thoughts on “Watch Don Garlits Cackle A Car Inside His Shop And Tell AMAZING 1960s Racing Stories – MUST WATCH

  1. Slotmode

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