(Video credit: VictoryRedColorado-YouTube) – We have showed you some cool individual videos from the NMRA/NMCA Super Bowl competition in Chicago but this is the full monte, every one of the 12 races that determined which side would win the now decade long running conflict. All of the cars are cool, none of the pairs is exactly what you think it is going to be and the fact that these guys traded blows back and forth and it all came down to the last two cars of the weekend means that the competition is as well designed and laid out as it could possibly be.
Although they were racing as a “team” for a very limited amount of time on Sunday evening, there was a palpable feeling among the competitors that they either wanted to maintain the course of history (for the NMRA) or start to reverse it (for the NMCA). The cheers and reactions after each pair were 100% genuine and everyone in the place was on their feet watching.
From personal experience we can tell you that it was one of the most unique and entertaining things we had ever seen with our own eyes at the drags. Just seeing some of these racers who have never even considered hitting a handicapped tree do just that was amazing. Not to mention the cars themselves and match ups like the one you see above with the late model Mustang taking on the classic 440ci Chrysler powered Barracuda.
This video is 15-minutes long which is like 14 years in internet time but it is worth every second to see how one of the neatest races to happen each year played out in 2015. Press play below!