Watch A VW Powered Front Engine Dragster Run 6.52 In The Quarter Mile – Fear The Nail!

Watch A VW Powered Front Engine Dragster Run 6.52 In The Quarter Mile – Fear The Nail!

Of all the awesome stuff that we saw during the course of the 2014 Street Car Super Nationals, the crew from VW Paradise had a couple of the coolest cars. These were aircooled VWs running deep into the 8s and even deep into the 7s in qualifying and eliminations. VW power is the real deal and anyone who wants to doubt that hot rodding a VW is worth the time should take a look at the video below. Now, the engine in this dragster is one of the heaviest duty VW style plants ever screwed together so it isn’t like they stuck a dual carb engine on a dragster and ran in the 6.50s (quarter mile) but it is a boxer, air cooled, four banger that keeps with the original tradition of the engine that has powered millions and millions of cars over the years. We believe that this one displaces in the neighborhood of 200ci but it may be closer to 180, we’re not 100% sure. We tried digging up what we could for info on the Nail but there’s not a ton out there surprisingly.

No matter the displacement, watching and listening to this car run is awesome. The excitement that the crew erupts with is totally genuine and we can’t imagine what it was like for the guy driving. After all, most guys in these dragsters are trying to look over, around, or beside a blower to see where they are going. This driver has a full field of vision because of that flat four style mill making the weird exhaust note all the way down the track. The golden age of power. We’re living in it. That is true whether you like you engines flat, in a row, in a V-shape, or any other damned way.


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