Sales Job: This 1975 Promotional Video For the Lincoln Town Car and Town Coupe Is Awesome

Sales Job: This 1975 Promotional Video For the Lincoln Town Car and Town Coupe Is Awesome

Your salesmen will show you such options as “four wheel power brakes,” and the “extended range fuel tank.” There’s a lot of great stuff in this video but the “Extended range fuel tank” in a car that weighs like 5,000lbs and has a big block in it is just so far over the top we cannot help but smile.

This is what luxury looked and sounded like in 1975. This was about the time where stuff peaked in terms of size and helplessness with regard to horsepower. As the world was selling smaller and smaller cars to more and more people, the American companies kept making them bigger, floatier, more puffy, and more barge-like. Less people bought them, gas prices skyrocketed, all the math was totally wrong. Although, let’s be real. You could have four hookers and a hot tub in the back seat of this car with room to spare. Gargantuan!

Here’s the sick part. We actually kind of like the idea of having one of these cars now. Give it decent (550-600hp) horsepower and hit the road. It’s like driving a Tarentino movie down the road, right? Hopefully with less blood and guts but you get the picture.

The promotional video primarily touts the styling and the interior changes. Why? Because no one gave a rat’s ass about performance if you were buying one of these cars. You were interested in making people think you were worth a zillion bucks and you could afford the fancy pants looking junk.

What do you think? Have these aged well?

Press play below to see this 1975 Lincoln Town Coupe promotional film –

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