Retro Bling For Your Modern LS: Give Your LS Swap a Classic Look with the Holley RetroFilter

Retro Bling For Your Modern LS: Give Your LS Swap a Classic Look with the Holley RetroFilter

I’m a big fan of horsepower, regardless of the engine that it comes from. And I’m not the least bit hesitant to do engine swaps in classic cars and trucks. With that said, there are times when a car or truck looks better with an original big block or small block. Thankfully, there are some cool options for making your newer engine, like an LS or LT, look like a traditional small or big block. With that said, most of the air cleaner options don’t really look stock, and sometimes stock is cool.

Thankfully, Holley has a new air filter assembly that fits the top of your drive by wire LS in order to make it look stock. When combined with Holley’s valve cover offerings, accessory drives, etc, you can create an engine that looks almost factory installed. Check it out in the video below and let us know what car or truck you’d most like to see this setup in.

Video Description:

Give your LS swap a classic OEM touch with the Holley RetroFilter Air Cleaner! This sleek air cleaner hides the throttle body and wiring for a clean, vintage look while keeping modern EFI performance intact. Perfect for Drive-By-Wire setups, it blends old- school style with new-school tech.

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