Sonorous Specialty: Is This BRM 1.5L V16 F1 Car A Continuation Of The Line or a Recreation?

Sonorous Specialty: Is This BRM 1.5L V16 F1 Car A Continuation Of The Line or a Recreation?

For starters, the 1.5L BRM V16 is the greatest sounding racing engine ever made. It’s just not in a place to be questioned. You’ll hear the thing roar in this video and to think that about 90ci are making all this racket is just mental. But we digress. This is a fine video from Goodwood that shows a brand new, 1950s era BRM race car on the course making the noise and bringing joy to all who are around it. It does raise a fun and interesting debate. No, not about the noise of the engine but about the car itself.

If a 1950s era race car is scratch built in 2022 by the original family who owned the original company and it is built off the actual plans of the era that they still own, is that a “recreation” or is is a continuation of the line that was built some seven decades ago? It usually does not work out like this and cars of this type are typically not built with the level of exacting detail that this one is.

Four of these machines were made in the 1950s and now there is a 5th. In 50 years when they are being auctioned off, will this one bring the same kind of money as it’s identical and perfect right on down to the leather straps holding the hood down?

It would be great, after a few years of fun, to place the cars side by side and have an expert try to discern which is which. In the end it doesn’t matter. But back to the sound…

Press play below to see this great video on a brand new, vintage BRM V16 racer –

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