When we think of the ultra-exclusive world of hypercar builders and owners, we sometimes forget that beyond all the glitz and glamor is the fact that these cars are required to comply with all the laws to be granted permission to be street legal in the countries they’re sold in. Koenigsegg is a company that is on the bleeding edge of hypercar performance and technology and in this video we get an inside look at their crash testing process, development, and work. Why are there so few hyper car companies on Earth? This film will give you the most clear example. Hell, just consider the cost of this process alone, not any of the cost in developing chassis, engines, and all of the fun stuff. This crash testing would sink most companies in this particular genre of the automotive world.
These guys have a freaking supercomputer that they use to do crash simulations centered around their own carbon fiber chassis. You’ll see the factory guys smashing up on the bodies and chassis parts with sledgehammers. You’ll see them overhead smashing doors, hoods, and basically everything else they can get their hands on. What you won’t see is stuff breaking. Listening to the work in developing smart air bags is enough to make your head spin.
Then there’s the actual test course. It is brutality! We do not see the “grand finale” of driving the car into a wall but there’s plenty of nasty to see here. The brilliance of Koenigsegg is that they do not need to give the testing facility 10 cars to do all this junk. Their central chassis is effectively indestructible. It goes through every test. They are allowed to replace parts on it that are damaged and then the car continues on. Doesn’t make sense? It will. Watch the video.