This is some incredible video! You are about to take a ride off a cliff, fly hundreds of feet through the air, crash through tree-tops, and survive. You’ll survive because you are viewing this video from the comfort of your office, home, shop, or somewhere else that isn’t actually hurtling off a cliff. The truly miraculous part of this experience is that the guy who was riding the motorcycle lived as well! You’ll meet him as well as seeing this video played out a couple of times.
We don’t know about you but the moment that this bike leaves the road, our stomach nearly leaves our gut. The “flight” is kind of peaceful in a horrifying way but as soon as the guy and his motorcycle start plummeting through the trees, you understand just how bad this is. The fact that the guy lived is truly amazing. The fact that the camera lived? We’ve seen GoPros survive pretty much everything at this point so that didn’t quite excite us as much.
So here you go, ride along as a bike hurtles 250ft off a cliff and meet the rider who survived!
68mph into corner…..
Darwin was robbed…. but he’s patient.