Of all the feats that various race cars perform, few are more spectacular than a sprint car pulling a massive power wheelie. Why? Mostly because these things are happening on dirt, they have a massive wing on their roofs to keep the front ends down, and it normally starts when the thing it pitched sideways. This video is proof that the insanity of the dirt wheelie happens on multiple continents because you are about to watch Aussie race Lachie Abbott turn the trick at Valvoline Raceway. The cool thing is that this is a multi-angle and slow motion video so you get full frontal wheel stand action like you may have never seen before at a circle track. Win!
We know that it comes down to chassis setup, horsepower, and traction, and after that you have a math equation but c’anon. If your heart does not beat a little faster or your ass come up in your seat a little watching this you are dead, right? My personal experience at full bore Sprint car races is limited but the ones I have attended and seen at places like Lebanon Valley, New York have been spectacular and crazy beyond measure. It is good to know that the same story can be told about the sport both here and in Australia. Congrats Lachie Abbott you win the best driver of the day award. WOW!
Sprint cars are the best!!!