We give our pal Tommy Lee Byrd loads of credit for making and posting this video. Why? Well guys that have been round the car game forever and guys who had great track records of buying, fixing, and profiting on car deals typically don’t make mistakes when buying their flipper fodder. Tommy is an awesome guy and along with his dad, we’ve seen him do really well in taking in wayward cars, making them right, and sending them down the road. This is a video about a recent deal that did not go the way the guys planned.
Classy as he is, Tommy is not making this video to indict the guy they bought the car from, but really as a cautionary tale that even the most grizzled and experienced guys can make a misstep now and then. Thankfully for Tommy and his dad, they do not have too much dough tied up in this 1981 Corvette and when you see the video you’ll understand that the situation is not impossible, but it puts them at a crossroads of investment in time and money and the return on that investment.
This is a good watch because it’s a reminder that you never really can be too careful, right? And again, this shows what a class act Tommy Lee Byrd is because we live in a world where people run off at the mouth and play the victim at every turn. That’s not what this is about at all.
Assuming he can find a good used engine he could still turn a profit – but then a numbers-matching Corvette angel out there would lose its wings and die.
Sorry – but no sympathy – he never did say what he bought it for. It’s a used car and the guy told him it was a non runner. End of Story!
I agree, you buy it to be a “non runner” and that’s what you got.
Agree with mr larry above, so sorry that the flippers don’t get to make $$$ on this one. Fuckin scumbags like them just drive prices up
First off, I doubt anyone would be concerned with “number matching” on an 81 Vette.
Second, he wasn’t looking for any sympathy. Just showing what turned out to be a bad deal for him.
I’ve talked with Tommy in the past, never in person though. He and his dad are car guys through and through. They buy and sell cars to pay for their car hobby. This isn’t Gas Monkey Garage, it’s a couple of car guys in Tennessee.
If it were me in this situation I’d probably drop a crate 350 in it and have fun with a Vette that I wouldn’t be afraid to modify.
“I doubt anyone would be concerned with “number matching” on an 19XX Vette.”
Said everyone in the 70s and 80’s about the C2 Corvette.
At any rate, you and I both know how weird many Corvette fanatics are about matching numbers, build sheets, period correct stickers, fasteners, paint codes and a mountain of other OCD silliness. If these flippers had any sense they’d install a LS:
Booo Whoo
A lot of time and effort (his words)usually equals reward as in $$$$
We took his word for it – yep it don’t run. If someone is trying to sell a car and says it don’t run and don’t know why – assume its junk and if its minor you have had a win.
Because the door handles work fine its all good – funny as.
Its a SBC it can’t be that hard it could be something minor – have a look, dive into. Oh that’s right no effort, we just want to make some EASY $$$$$$$$
Jeeez some people – I guess that’s how they roll.
Ummm, ever think of trying to jump start it on the spot…..like before you even paid for it?!?!
Part it out. Plan B, free it up. We’re only talking about a cast iron V8 here, not some exotic made from unobtainium.