Beast Mode: Watch This 1,900lb Mercedes 190 Packing A 10,000 RPM Judd V8 Go HillClimbing For Fun!

Beast Mode: Watch This 1,900lb Mercedes 190 Packing A 10,000 RPM Judd V8 Go HillClimbing For Fun!

If you had asked us who Reto Meisel was an hour ago we’d not have had an answer. Now? Now we know that this guy is a total boss who has a 1,900lb, tube chassis Mercedes that uses a 10,000 RPM capable Judd V8 and some sort of totally gnarly manual transmission. He uses this car to mangle hillclimb events in Europe and it’s not just the sweetest sounding thing you’ll hear all day, this guy can wheel like a professional as well.

We’re completely and utterly ignorant on the rules of European hillclimbs so we’re not sure if the cars are classed by weight, displacement, tire size, or what, but we do know that no matter the engine, they all look bad ass and man can they move out. This Judd V8 is a really neat piece which we have talked about recently with Ryan Tureck adding one to a Supra drifting build. They are reliable, make amazing power, and they sound like the devil himself yelling at full throttle.

This, this is a proper hot rod!

Press play below to see a 10,000 rpm, 1,900lb Mercedes bodied hill climb beast!

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