Mike Artman may not be a name you recognize but believe it or not he is one of the people that is 100% instrumental in the success of BangShift. That’s right, Artman was in on the absolute ground floor of BangShift and we mean the ABSOLUTE GROUND FLOOR. What? How? Simple, it was Artman and his NAMTRA Media company that designed and helped us launch the original version of the website in 2008. Mike is a awesome guy and over the years we’ve maintained loose contact with him via email when he sends us a note about an item he saw or sends us a tip on an item we should run on the site. Obviously the man has a handle on what’s cool because this video is all about his own personal hot rod, a 1964 Pontiac Catalina Safari wagon.
The car was recently featured on Mike Musto’s Big Muscle show that runs on the YouTube DRIVE channel and “the Mikes” do a nice job of telling the car’s story, and giving us the impression of what it is like to haul ass around in the big wagon. Mike bought the thing as a pile and over time has transformed it into what you see today. It has the right look with the wheels and stance, it has great power with a Nelson Racing Engines big block under the hood, and it’ll smoke the rear tires for days if necessary for fun. The car has also been in Car Craft within the last year so it is making the rounds!
We’ll let you see what’s so cool about this car for yourself by watching the video. Mike’s a great guy and there’d be no such thing as BangShift.com if it were not for his hard work wayyyyy back in 2008. Thanks, dude!
Sleeper? How about a ’93 Taurus GL? /www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=3068893328561&set=vb.1450413786&type=3&theater
Way cool , theres a guy up here who has a pontiac wagoon done up as a GTO
It’s not often one thinks of a ‘wagon as a cool car, but this beauty has done it.