Pomona Swap Meet October 2018 Photos: More Cool Cars and Trucks For Sale

Pomona Swap Meet October 2018 Photos: More Cool Cars and Trucks For Sale

(Photos by Wes Allison) – We’re back with more potential, more hopes and dream, more heartache and bad decisions. Yes, we are back with more swap meet coverage from the massive Pomona Swap Meet October 2018 edition. As we have told you in the past the game that loads of people play is that they pay at the gate to get their car in the for sale section to get into the gate even though they have no intention of actually selling the thing. We’re sure more than a couple of cars have changed hands unexpectedly this way but its a handy trick to getting your car closer to the junk you want to buy.

The Pomona Fairgrounds have such a unique spot in automotive history and the decades long tradition of this event is a big part of it. Go on…look a the junk below.

Click the images below to expand them and then scroll on to see them all –

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